Return and Refund Policy

Our Return Policy

For orders purchased via Bank Transfer, Pay in Store, or Cash on Delivery:

In case you have changed your mind about keeping the product, you may not return the product for a full refund. If you are unsatisfied, you may receive store credit against your purchase. 

Please contact us within 2 days of receiving your order to initiate an exchange. You can notify our customer care of a return request by contacting us at 

Please refer to our Exchange Policy for more information.

For orders purchased via Credit Card, or Apply Pay: 

In case you have changed your mind about keeping the product, you may be eligible for a full refund after deducting the shipping cost (including customs fees) and card transaction fees of the purchased product. Refund requests are subject to approval by our management and J.H. Jewellers LLC and JH by Priyansh Jewellery reserves the right to deny a refund.

Receiving store credit against your purchase may also be an option. 

Please contact us within 2 days of receiving your order to initiate an exchange. You can notify our customer care of a return request by contacting us at 

Please refer to our Exchange Policy for more information.